You, Your Gut, Your Movement Practice - Live-online 4 Day Professional Therapeutic Intensive with Elena Voyce

January 10, 17, 24, 31 2021

New Year Discount for places booked before January 4 2021

Join Elena Voyce for the most innovative, unique professional training of this kind. For many years, Elena has been at the forefront of research and training for cultivating a balanced digestive system which has been featured in publications such as Top Sante Magazine. After the incredible success of her introductory journey to the gut and the practices you should connect with when suffering from a series of gut issues, Elena has created a wonderful 4 day intensive therapeutic training that works for everyone: For yoga teachers, Pilates Teachers, Personal Trainers, or practitioners who first of all, intend to help themselves to understand how the digestive system works, what the microbiome is, how emotions affect the digestive system and how trauma can create long term digestive issues. You will learn 8, 90 minute practices; 4 that support the major conditions of: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Leaky gut Syndrome together with metabolic disorders and CNS related disorders. We are going to explore how to expand and create space for the major organs involved in your digestive tract from top to bottom. 4 practices will also support imbalances of chronic constipation, nausea, diarrhoea and heart burn.

There will be a daily exploration of your inner posture including meridian lines, Thomas Myers anatomy lines and Elena’s own approach based on many years of research. You will explore how lines can become weak or overstretched, how diagonal or side lines can become too constricted or short, how spiral lines can become disconnected, how this relates to the chakra system and marma points and how compressed muscular chains can, from postural habit, inhibit the organs and through a long journey, affect the digestive system in ways such as causing lasting constipation or diarrhea. An extensive time will be dedicated to the balance of the vagus nerve through the breath and emotional reconnection. Throughout the training you will be given 8 emotional practices connected to daily life.

Suitable for yoga teachers and those passionate about movement and aligning properly to bring an intelligent, functional and reliable gastrointestinal tract, those who are suffering from a digestive condition or who know someone who could be helped by this course. Personal trainers, triathalon trainers, coaches, everyone who is interested in understanding the topic. A very educational package for yourself and others. A big benefit of this course is to understand your emotions in relation to an unbalanced gut.

An in house certificate of attendance will be provided.

£140 – 1 Day
£480 – 4 Days
£420 – New Year Discount – for places booked on or before January 4 2021

Training Format:

Morning: 10am – 1.30pm,
Afternoon: 2.15pm – 5.45pm

Training takes place live-online via Zoom

8 practices will be taught with accompanying PowerPoint presentations based on extensive scientific research, a reading list with information about gut health, the latest research and emotional, rebalancing, vibrational, meditation techniques.

Practices will cover the lines, physiological imbalances and gut conditions together with the emotional conditions that arise from an unbalanced gut such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and how these can be influenced and worsened by an inflamed gut and how that can be changed mainly through practice and/or diet. While diet is also fundamental, some times we are not aware of how we can irritate our gut by practising in the wrong way for example, if you are not in connection with your real core, you can’t engage it properly and expect that tightening would relieve or free your gut.

Please get in touch through the contact form to book or you can email

By Amy Waring

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