Jesse Saunders
Jesse first started practising Yoga after breaking his leg back in 1999, initially just to get his mobility back but it turned out to set him on a path that has done much more than that! He is a highly motivated teacher and practitioner with a wealth of experience in Yoga, Body Work, Thai Massage, Holistic Massage and Acro-Yoga. He is also part of inspirational Acro-Balance duo ‘Poceczka’.
He teaches from a place of deep personal experience with a playful, fun energy and intelligence and makes teaching poses such as inversions and balancing poses accessible, safe and enjoyable for all on the course.
His main teaching influences and mentors have been Diego Lourenco and Jonathan Monks. He also took the teacher training course at Teach Yoga himself back in 2007.
His key teaching principles are:
- The foundation is key, as building on a solid foundation is the only way to build any structure.
- Inversions are an important element to include and eventually become proficient in within our practice. They offer a different psychological perspective, improve balance and highlight elements of our practice that we may otherwise hide from.
- Capturing our imagination is the best way to learn. When we are interested, joyful and discovering that childlike playful nature it is really hard not to learn… People make the best props!